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Construction starts on R164 million Sarah Baartman Centre of Remembrance

29 July 2014
A sod-turning event recently took place, marking the official start of the construction of the long awaited R164 million multi-purpose Sarah Baartman Centre of Remembrance in Hankey, Kouga Local Municipality. Construction of the centre, which will be situated on Vergaderingskop, adjacent to her burial site, is set to take just over two years to complete. According to the Department of Arts and Culture, which is funding the project, the 4804.5 square meter heritage site will include the declared gravesite, a museum, archives, story-telling pits, a healing pond, a symbolic and productive garden, a reception building, retail spaces, workshops, restaurant, multipurpose hall, auditorium, classrooms, accommodation, parking, a road underpass and walkways. The museum will consist of two sections, one dedicated to the Khoi-San and the other to Sarah Baartman. Visitors will follow a route depicting a narrative about Khoi-San history in order to contextualize Sarah Baartman's life. According to the Department, the construction phase will also create about 1960 skilled and semi-skilled job opportunities for locals at a cost of R5 million. About 134 jobs will be created after the completion of the Centre. "Additionally, R500 000 has been set aside for the contracting of small, medium and micro enterprises from the Hankey area. Only if the required goods cannot be sourced locally, will the contractor source it from outside," said Teresa Shabalala from the Department. "Some 10% of the total cost must be used to purchase material from local suppliers up to 50km from Hankey." The Sarah Baartman Centre of Remembrance is part of the Department of Arts and Culture's legacy projects aimed at transforming the heritage sector and reflecting the role played by all communities and individuals in transforming the country irrespective of their background, religion and gender.

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